Flood Control Master Plan for Bucayao and Mag-Asawang Tubig Rivers
    in Oriental Mindoro

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)
Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

The project aims to prepare a Flood Control Master Plan, which would include proposals for all possible flood mitigation measures, by use of hydraulic models and a digital elevation model incorporated into a Geographical Information System (GIS), and taking into account all users of water as well as environmental impacts and social implications.

SRDP provided the following GIS services:

  • Development of a geographical database to support flood control studies including updated base maps using satellite imagery and a digital elevation model of the catchment area of Bucayao and Mag-Asawang Tubing Rivers
  • GIS and mapping support to the multidisciplinary team
  • Technical transfer to local government counterparts
  • Production of thematic maps including hazard and risk maps for flood

Sample Outputs:

Flood Hazard Flood Susceptibility Geology
Geohazard Vegetation Ancestral Domain

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