The Project on Topographic Mapping for Peace and Development in Mindanao
    in the Republic of the Philippines

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Mindanao, Philippines

The project is about the preparation of the 1:50,000 topographic maps for the entire Mindanao which is a great tool for development-planning. Necessary support on wide and effective uses of these maps were likewise implemented.

SRDP provided field survey services in the eastern and western Mindanao, with an approximate area of 42,000 sq km. This was done prepare necessary planimetric details and annotation data on the field for the plotting and editing of 1:50,000 topographic maps. The survey consists of the following:

  • Field identification
  • Field completion
  • Digitizing of annotations

Assistant Engineers were also assigned to Study Team to provide assistance in the preparation of maps and technical documents, as well as in the analysis of various data collected for the project.

Geographic Names Vegetation Cover Map Symbols
Road Classification Data Gathering Data Gathering

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